The group has a number of executive committees consisting of executive directors and other senior executives, with formal terms of reference approved by the board.
The Hulamin B-BBEE Committee reports to the Transformation, Social and Ethics Committee on the six elements of the B-BBEE scorecard, which are: ownership, management control, employment equity, skills development, preferential procurement, enterprise development and socio-economic development.
The B-BBEE Committee’s key responsibilities are:
Review the progress towards the achievement of the B-BBEE targets and provide direction where challenges are:
Report to the Transformation, Social and Ethics Committee
4 meetings per annum
While the board is ultimately accountable for risk management through the Risk and SHE* Committee, the implementation of the group’s risk management policies and systems of internal control is an integral part of management of the group’s operations.
The Risk Management Committee’s key responsibilities are:
Report on its activities to the Risk and SHE Committee
3 meetings per annum
The IT Management Committee’s key responsibilities are:
6 meetings per annum
The Safety, Health and Environment Committee’s (SHE) key responsibilities are:
Report to the Risk and SHE Committee
3 meetings per annum