Aluminium Standards

Our flat rolled sheet, coil and plate aluminium products are manufactured to suit the requirements of distributors and stockists but we always keep in mind the broad range of end user fabricators.

Hulamin sales and technical support staff are always on hand to discuss a special requirement and give technical advice on all aspects relating to working with our aluminium products.

Our range of standard products is comprehensive and suits the needs of almost all general engineering applications.

The alloy groups that are covered by standards are the 1xxx, 3xxx, 4xxx and 5xxx series alloys.  These are the so-called non-heat treatable alloys – unlike the 6xxx series alloy (one of our plate alloys), which gains its strength properties by heat treatment in the rolling mill.

Non-heat treatable coil and sheet have superior evenness, tight gauge tolerances and surface quality – qualities in demand by end product fabricators. These properties are attained by the cold working of the metal in the rolling process together with appropriate heat treatment.

We supply standard sizes which are available in our product catalogue. Custom-sized coils and sheets are available on request.


1xxx                      1050 / 1350

3xxx                      3003 / 3004

4xxx                      4017

5xxx                      5052 / 5754 / 5083


Gauge – Width - Length

Gauge                  0.40 mm – 6.35 mm

Width                   400 mm – 1 750 mm

Sheet length       2 000 mm – 7 500 mm