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Report on proceedings at the annual general meeting and general meeting held on 23 April 2015
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1940/013924/06)
ISIN: ZAE000096210
Share Code: HLM
At the Hulamin (75th) annual general meeting ("AGM") of its shareholders held today, 23 April 2015, all the ordinary
and special resolutions proposed at the meeting were approved by the requisite majority of votes. In this regard,
Hulamin confirms the voting statistics from the AGM as follows:
Shares voted in relation to the total issued share capital:
Number of shares
voted Total issued share capital Percentage shares voted
218 655 573 319 596 836 68.42
Votes carried disclosed as Shares
a percentage in relation abstained
to the total number of disclosed as a
shares voted at the percentage in
meeting relation to the
total issued
For Against share capital
1. Adoption of annual financial statements 97.88319% 2.11681% 0.00007%
2. Confirmation of appointment of auditors - retaining
the services of PricewaterhouseCoopers and to re-
appoint H Govind as the designated auditor 100.00000% 0.00000% 0.00007%
3. Re-election of directors retiring by rotation:
3.1. L C Cele 99.97765% 0.02235% 0.00007%
3.2. N N A Matyumza 98.12546% 1.87454% 0.00007%
3.3. S P Ngwenya 99.97765% 0.02235% 0.00007%
3.4. R G Jacob 99.97765% 0.02235% 0.00007%
4. Appointment of group Audit Committee members
and T P Leeuw as chairman of the group Audit
4.1. L C Cele 99.97765% 0.02235% 0.00007%
4.2. T P Leeuw as chairman 98.12546% 1.87454% 0.00007%
4.3. N N A Matyumza 98.10432% 1.89568% 0.00007%
5. Special resolution number 1: Approval of non-executive
directors' fees 98.14781% 1.85219% 0.00007%
6. Special resolution number 2: Provision of financial
assistance 100.00000% 0.00000% 0.00007%
7. Non-binding advisory vote - remuneration policy 83.13017% 16.86983% 8.44702%
Report on proceedings at the general meeting
At the general meeting of shareholders of Hulamin held today, 23 April 2015 ("General Meeting"), to consider the
business of a Broad-Based BEE Transaction involving the participation of eligible employees and strategic Black
Partners, as detailed in the circular posted to shareholders on Tuesday, 24 March 2015, all the ordinary and special
resolutions proposed at the meeting were approved by the requisite majority of votes. In this regard, Hulamin
confirms the voting statistics from the General Meeting as follows:
Number of shares voted Total issued share capital Percentage shares voted
241 190 761 319 596 836 75.47
Votes carried disclosed as Shares
a percentage in relation abstained
to the total number of disclosed as a
shares voted at the percentage in
meeting relation to the
total issued
share capital
For Against
1. Special resolution number 1 -
decreasing the number of authorised shares 100.00000% 0.00000% 0.00007%
2. Special resolution number 2 -
conversion of ordinary shares from par value to no par value 100.00000% 0.00000% 0.00007%
3. Special resolution number 3 -
increasing the number of authorised shares 100.00000% 0.00000% 0.00007%
4. Special resolution number 4 -
amendment of the Memorandum of Incorporation 100.00000% 0.00000% 0.00007%
5. Ordinary Resolution Number 1 -
approval of the BEE transaction 99.28838% 0.71162% 0.00007%
6. Ordinary Resolution Number 2 -
approval of the ESOP 100.00000% 0.00000% 0.00007%
7. Special resolution number 5 -
issue of A Ordinary Shares and B Ordinary Shares 100.00000% 0.00000% 0.00007%
8. Special resolution number 6 -
Acquisition of the A Ordinary Shares and B Ordinary Shares at
maturity 100.00000% 0.00000% 0.00007%
9. Special resolution number 7 -
financial assistance 99.28838% 0.71162% 0.00007%
The special resolutions will, where necessary, be lodged for registration with the Companies and Intellectual Property
Commission in due course.
23 April 2015
RAND MERCHANT BANK (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)
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